As a mother of two and the operator of three successful schools, Arizona Charter Schools Director Raena Janes saw a need for greater access to high-quality, well-run educational institutions―not only for Arizona’s children, but for everyone’s children. She wanted to see more schools that went beyond just teaching to tests, schools that also prepared students to be positive, successful members of their community. With the help of a team of educators equally committed to effective, well-rounded, and safe learning environments for every child, Raena created Arizona Charter Schools to provide support services and business management to aid in the development of new schools and the successful improvement of existing schools.
Headquartered in Tucson, Arizona Charter Schools provides services for educators in any state developing charter, Montessori, or private schools. To find out more, please call or email today.
Our Mission
Arizona Charter Schools is committed to establishing exemplary non-profit educational institutions offering the highest-quality education and the means for children to achieve their full potential, not only as well-rounded students, but also as lifelong responsible citizens.